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Vocabulary for the representation of urban public bus transport data

Release 2021-07-15

This version:
Version 1.0.1 of the Bus ontology that has been implemented in the context of the project Ciudades Abiertas: Plataforma de gobierno abierto, colaborativa e interoperable in which the city councils of Madrid, Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña participate.
Adolfo Antón Bravo (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Edna Ruckhaus (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Oscar Corcho (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Localidata)
Paola Espinoza Arias (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Andrés Iglesias Pardo - Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid
Andrés Recio Martín - Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid
Honorio Enrique Crespo Díaz-Alejo - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
José Antonio Chanca Cáceres - Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
María Carmen Ruiz Moreno - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
María Jesús Fernández Ruiz - Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
María Jesús Gallego San Miguel - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
María del Mar Arribas de Andrés - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Servicio de Informática - Ayuntamiento de Santiago de Compostela
Servicio de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico - Ayuntamiento de A Coruña
Víctor Morlán Pío - Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
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Adolfo Antón Bravo (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid),Edna Ruckhaus (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid),Oscar Corcho (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Localidata),Paola Espinoza Arias (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Vocabulary for the representation of data on public transport by bus.. Revision: Versión 1.0 de la ontología de Autobús que ha sido implementada en el contexto del proyecto Ciudades Abiertas: Plataforma de gobierno abierto, colaborativa e interoperable en la que participan los ayuntamientos de Madrid, Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela y A Coruña. Retrieved from:
Provenance of this page
Ontology Specification Draft


This vocabulary has been developed in the context of the action on open data of the project "Platform of Open, Collaborative and Interoperable Government" of the "II Call for Intelligent Cities" of the Ministry of Economy and Enterprise launched through the Public Business Entity assigned to the Secretariat of State for Digital Advancement of that ministry.

Introduction back to ToC

This vocabulary represents the information of the urban bus public transport system. The transport systems of the four cities participating in the Open Cities project (A Coruña, Madrid, Santiago de Compostela and Zaragoza) have been analysed, as well as other cities with open data publication policies.

The international standard TransModel which contains the model for the exchange of transport information between companies, operators or transport authorities of the European Union member states has been taken into account. In addition, according to regulation 2017/1926 which follows the European directive 2010 on intelligent transport services ITS (Intelligent Transport System) any authority, operator or company of land transport services must offer their data in formats compatible with Transmodel from December 2019.

During 2019 OEG-UPM has participated in the project SNAP to facilitate the compliance with the legislation through the conversion or generation of GTFS data in NeTeX, the Transmodel format, through the development of the ontology Transmodel, which has been taken into account for the development of this vocabulary.

In general the following Transmodel concepts have been reused: Operator, Authority, Line, Route, Points on a Route, Trip Pattern, Points on a Trip Pattern, Stop, Trip associated to a Trip Pattern, Trip Schedules and Frequencies and Service Calendar. This vocabulary is related to the concept of Incidence in the Traffic vocabulary developed in the context of this project and also to the Postal Address and geosparql.


The vocabulary has been divided into three main parts: (1) Operator and its lines, (2) Routes and stops and (3) Travel

Namespace declarations

Table 1: Namespaces used in the document

Overview back to ToC

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

Named Individuals

Description back to ToC

This vocabulary represents the information of the urban public bus service which includes the authorities and transport operators, the lines of the urban public bus service, the routes of the lines, the stops and the incidents of the service

The scope of this vocabulary is defined in two types of information:

Figure 1 shows the classes and properties of the traffic vocabulary. The main objective of this vocabulary is to allow the representation of the public urban bus service, both its lines and routes or its incidents.

In the upper right side it is shown the org pattern since the class org:Organization of that vocabulary is reused for the Transmodel vocabulary which is a vocabulary specifically supported by this bus and which makes it compatible with the European standard for land transport data exchange.

From the Transmodel vocabulary set we reuse tmorg referring to the organizations that have a role in the public transport system; from tmjourney that deals with the aspects of travel; and from tmcommons that addresses the common concepts.

In this case, tmorg:Organisation is a subclass of org:Organization which has the subclasses tmorg:Operator for transport operators and tmorg:Authority for transport authorities.

It is the operator company that operates a tmjourney:Line, in this case the new subclass esautob:Line has been created to relate them to the incidents estraf:Incidencia of the traffic vocabulary through the property esautob:afectadaPorIncidencia.

The lines are composed of tmjourney:madeUpOf routes tmjourney:Route, which is where the journey patterns tmjourney:JourneyPattern work on tmjourney:on.

Open Cities Initiative Bus Vocabulary Diagram
Figure 1. - Open Cities Initiative Bus Vocabulary Diagram.

Stopback to índice

A Zone tmcommons:Zone is a superclass of Place tmcommons:Place and this in turn of the new created class Parada esautob:Parada. The esautob:Parada has an address schema:address that it is related to the Postal Address class escjr:DireccionPostal of the vocabulary of streets escjr.

Also one Line esautob:Linea is related to esautob:Parada through the creted properties bus line header esautob:cabeceraLinea and end of bus line esautob:finalLinea.

Diagram of Stop and its relationship with Place, Postal Address and Line
Figure 3. - Diagram of Stop and its relationship with Place, Postal Address and Line.

geo patternback to índice

Moreover, the Stop esautob:Parada, as a subclass of geosparql:Feature, it is related with the pattern of geolocalisation made up of the following vocabularies: geo, sf, geo_core and geosparql and gets the geolocalisation through the property geosparql:hasGeometry that relates it with the geographical point sf:Point as a subclass of geosparql:Geometry. The coordinates, longitude and latitude in WGS84 and ETRS89 format are attributes of this geographical Point sf:Point.

Geolocalisation of the stops through the geo pattern
Figure 4. - Geolocalisation of the stops through the pattern geo..

SOSA Patternback to índice

To represent the passing time of the next vehicle it has been created the new class esautob:RealTimePassingTime that, as a subclass of sosa:Observation has the feature of interest sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest the point in link sequence tmjourney:PointInLinkSequence, the superclass of Route tmjourney:Route and tmjourney:JourneyPattern.

SOSA Pattern in the Bus Vocabulary: real time passing time.
Figure 5. - SOSA Pattern in the Bus Vocabulary: real time passing time.

Vehicle Journeyback to toc

In addition to line, route and journey pattern, in Transmodel there is a concept called Vehicle Journey tmjourney:VehicleJourney that represents the journey schema of the vehicle as an abstraction using tmjourney:madeUsing journey patterns tmjourney:JourneyPattern.

Its direction tmjourney:directionType is set by a traxonomy called direction-type tmkosjourney:direction-type of the project Transmodel.

The vehicle journey tmjourney:VehicleJourney can take the times from tmjourney:timedFrom a timing point in journey pattern tmjourney:TimingPointInJourneyPattern, that is a subclass of a point in link sequence tmjourney:PointInLinkSequence.

Each one is composed of tmjourney:composedOf of a group of headway journey group tmjourney:HeadwayJourneyGroup that is determined by tmjourney:determinedBy a headway interval tmjourney:HeadwayInterval. Each one worked on tmjourney:workedOn a day type tmjourney:DayType.

Finally, a service calendar tmjourney:ServiceCalendar sets a starting date tmjourney:from and an ending date tmjourney:to and it is defined by tmjourney:definedBy a day type assignation tmjourney:DayTypeAssignment that sets a date tmjourney:date and specifies a day type tmjourney:DayType.

VehicleJourney, HeadwayInterval, DayType, CalendarService and DayTypeAssignment
Figure 6. - VehicleJourney, HeadwayInterval, DayType, CalendarService and DayTypeAssignment


In order to facilitate the understanding of the use of some classes and properties of this vocabulary, some examples are provided below:

Operator and Authority

Both an Operator tmorg:Operator and an Authority tmorg:Authority are types of Organisation tmjourney:Organisation. In this case both instances are created: the Operator is the Municipal Transport Company of Madrid, EMT; and the Authority is the Regional Consortium of Transport of Madrid, CRTM.

Detail of the Operator and Authority diagram.
Figure 7. - Detail of the Operator and Authority Diagram
	<> a tmorg:Operator ;
	tmorg:characterisedBy <> ;
	tmorg:servingPTServiceFrom <> ;
	tmjourney:operating <> ;
	tmjourney:operating <> ;
	tmjourney:operating <> .
	<> a tmorg:Authority ;
	tmorg:characterisedBy <> .

Contact Details

In order to represent the contact details of the Operator or the Authority an instance of the class tmorg:ContactDetails is created.

Detail of the ContactDetails diagram.
Figure 8. - Detail of the ContactDetails diagram

It has the following properties:

Example of the contact detail of the Operator EMT:

	<> a tmorg:ContactDetails ;
	schema:telephone "+34 91 406 88 10"^^xsd:string ;
	schema:email ""^^xsd:string ;
	schema:url ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
	schema:address "Empresa Municipal de Transportes, Calle Cerro de la Plata, 4. 28007 Madrid"^^xsd:string ;
	schema:legalName "Empresa Municipal de Transportes"^^xsd:string ;
	schema:alternateName "EMT"^^xsd:string .


One of the lines of the Operator EMT is the 138. In order to represent its information an instsance of the new class esautob:Linea is created.

Detail of the Line diagram
Figure 9. - Detail of the Line diagram.

Linea has the following properties:

	<> a esautob:Linea ;
	dcterms:identifier "138"^^xsd:string ;
	dcterms:description "Línea 138, comienzo en Cristo Rey y final en San Ignacio de Loyola"^^xsd:string ;
	schema:url ""^^xsd:anyURI ; 
	schema:name "Línea 138"^^xsd:string ;
	tmjourney:shortName "138"^^xsd:string ;
	tmjourney:presentedBy <> ;
	esautob:afectadaPorIncidencia <> ;
	esautob:afectadaPorIncidencia <> ;
	esautob:afectadaPorIncidencia <> ;
	esautob:afectadaPorIncidencia <> ;
	esautob:cabeceraLinea <> ;
	esautob:finLinea <> ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf <> ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf <> .

The presentation of Line is an instance of the class tmcommons:Presentation that has just two properties:

	<> a tmcommons:Presentation ;
	tmcommons:colour "Azul"^^xsd:string ;
	tmcommons:textColour "Negro"^^xsd:string .


In order to represent the incidences it is reused the estraf:Incidencia from the traffic vocabulary.

Detail of the Incidence diagram.
Figure 10. - Detail of the incidence diagram

An instance is created with the following properties:

	<> a estraf:Incidencia ;
	dcterms:identifier "29059944-382A-49AA-A068-B55BF2FAC51F"^^xsd:string ;
	dcterms:description "El 21 de junio de 12:00 a 14:30 horas aproximadamente, las líneas 001,  002,  1,  2,  3,  7,  21,  37,  40,  44,  46,  62,  82,  83,  132,  133,  138,  147,  149,  C1 y C2, tendrán retenciones (...)"^^xsd:string ;
	dcterms:title "Manifestación Génova - Moncloa 21/06/2020"^^xsd:string ;
	esautob:incidenciaAdjunto ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
	schema:dateCreated "2020-06-20T09:30:00+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	schema:startDate "2020-06-21T12:00:00+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	schema:endDate "2020-06-21T14:30:00+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	estraf:esRecurrente "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
	estraf:numSentidos "2"^^xsd:integer ;
	estraf:numCarriles "2"^^xsd:integer ;
	geosparql:hasGeometry <> ;
	estraf:incidenciaEnTramo <> ;
	estraf:tipoIncidencia <> .


Each Line esautob:Linea usually has at least two Routes tmjourney:Route, although it might have just one or more than two. The outbound Route goes from the head-of-line to the end of line and the return route in the opposite direction. The routes mark the base itineraries, then the journey patterns tmjourney:JourneyPattern may define more itineraries.

Detail of the Route diagram.
Figure 11. - Detail of the Route diagram

Its properties are:

The outbound route:

	<> a tmjourney:Route ;
	dcterms:identifier "138a"^^xsd:string ;
	dcterms:description "Ruta de ida de la línea 138 con inicio en Cristo Rey y destino en San Ignacio de Loyola"^^xsd:string ;
	tmjourney:directionType <> ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf <> ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf (...) ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf <> .

The inbound route of the Line 138, from the end of line to the head-of-line:

	<> a tmjourney:Route ;
	dcterms:identifier "138b"^^xsd:string ;
	dcterms:description "Ruta de vuelta de la línea 138 con inicio en San Ignacio de Loyola y destino en Cristo Rey"^^xsd:string ;
	tmjourney:directionType <> ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf <> ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf (...) ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf <> .

PointOnRoute and RoutePoint

The Point on Route tmjourney:PointOnRoute which is part of a Route tmjourney:Route is subclass of the point in link sequence tmjourney:PointInLinkSequence, from where the properties order tmjourney:order and distance from start tmjourney:distanceFromStart are inherited.

Detail of the PointOnRoute and RoutePoint diagram.
Figure 12. - Detail of the PointOnRoute and RoutePoint diagram

Each instance of tmjourney:PointOnRoute it is represented by:

	<> a tmjourney:PointOnRoute ;
	dcterms:identifier "138b-4608"^^xsd:string ;
	tmjourney:order "1"^^xsd:integer ;
	tmjourney:distanceFromStart "0"^^xsd:double ;
	tmjourney:viewedAs <> .

	<> a tmjourney:PointOnRoute ;
	dcterms:identifier "138b-4022"^^xsd:string ;
	tmjourney:order "2"^^xsd:integer ;
	tmjourney:distanceFromStart "247"^^xsd:double ;
	tmjourney:viewedAs <> .

The Route Point tmjourney:RoutePoint establishes the relationship between the Point On Route with the physical point, that is, the stops esautob:Parada, as the points on route are functional centroid for tmcommons:functionalCentroidFor a zone tmcommons:Zone which is a superclass of Place tmcommons:Place which in turn is a superclass of Stop, as it is explained below

	<> a tmjourney:RoutePoint ;
	tmcommons:functionalCentroidFor <> .

JourneyPattern and DestinationDisplay

The Journey Pattern tmjourney:JourneyPattern works on tmjourney:on a Route tmjourney:Route. Both classes are subclasses of Link Sequence tmjourney:LinkSequence. It is made up of tmjourney:madeUpOf stop point in journey patterns tmjourney:StopPointInJourneyPattern which are subclasses of Point In Link Sequences tmjourney:PointInLinkSequence. Its destination is announced through the relationship tmjourney:prescribing in a destination display tmjourney:DestinationDisplay.

Detail of the JourneyPattern and DestinationDisplay .
Figure 13. - Detail of the JourneyPattern and DestinationDisplay diagram
	<> a tmjourney:JourneyPattern ;
	dcterms:identifier "138a2"^^xsd:string ;
	schema:name "138a2"^^xsd:string ;
	tmjourney:distance "11,194"^^xsd:double ; 
	tmjourney:on <> ;
	tmjourney:prescribing <> ;
	esautob:generadoPorIncidencia <> ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf <> ;
	tmjourney:madeUpOf <> .
Detail of the JourneyPattern diagram and its relationship with incidence.
Figure 14. - Detail of the JourneyPattern diagram and its relationship with Incidence


The Journey Patterns tmjourney:JourneyPattern are made up of tmjourney:madeUpOf stop points in journey patterns tmjourney:StopPointInJourneyPattern which are subclass of points in link sequences tmjourney:PointInLinkSequence. As suche, they can be viewed as tmjourney:viewedAs scheduled stop points tmjourney:ScheduledStopPoint.

Detail of the StopPointInJourneyPattern diagram .
Figure 15. - Detail of the StopPointInJourneyPattern diagram

The type of use is set through the relationship stop use tmjourney:stopUse with the vocabulary stop use type tmkosjourney:stop-use-type. In this case it is a pass through tmkosjourney:pass-through stop.

It inherits from Point In Link Sequence tmjourney:PointInLinkSequence the identifier dcterms:identifier, the order tmjourney:order of that point in the link sequence tmjourney:LinkSequence which is the Journey Pattern tmjourney:JourneyPattern and the distance from start tmjourney:distanceFromStart of this sequence.

	<> a tmjourney:StopPointInJourneyPattern ;
	dcterms:identifier "138a1-4608"^^xsd:string ;
	tmjourney:order "1"^^xsd:integer ;
	tmjourney:stopUse <> ;
	tmjourney:viewedAs <> .


The Scheduled Stop Point tmjourney:ScheduledStopPoint, as a subclass of the Point tmjourney:Point, is the functional centroid for tmcommons:functionalCentroidFor a Zone tmcommons:Zone, which is the superclass of Place #tmcommons:Place which is in turn the superclass of Parada esautob:Parada.

Detail of the ScheduledStopPoint diagram .
Figure 16. - Detail of the ScheduledStopPoint diagram

Their properties are:

	<> a tmjourney:ScheduledStopPoint ;
	tmjourney:includedIn <> ;
	tmcommons:functionalCentroidFor <> ;
	tmjourney:forAlighting "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
	tmjourney:forBoarding "true"^^xsd:boolean .
	<> a tmjourney:StopArea ;
	dcterms:id "cristorey"^^xsd:string ;
	dcterms:name "Cristo Rey"^^xsd:string .

Stop, Zone, Place

A Zone tmcommons:Zone is the superclass of Place tmcommons:Place and this in turn of Parada esautob:Parada.

Detail of the Parada diagram
Figure 17. - Detail of the Parada diagram
	<> a esautob:Parada , tmcommons:Place, tmcommons:Zone ;
	schema:url ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
	dcterms:id "3086"^^xsd:string ;
	dcterms:description "Manuel Becerra"^^xsd:string ;
	schema:name "Manuel Becerra"^^xsd:string ;
	esautob:wifi "false"^^xsd:boolean ;
	esautob:panelElectronico "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
	esautob:zona "A"^^xsd:string ;
	geosparql:hasGeometry <> ;
	schema:address <> .

Geographic Point

As in other vocabularies, geographic points are represented in WGS84 and ETRS89 format. There are reused for vocabularies for this representation:

Detail of the Geographic Point diagram
Figure 18. - Detail of the Geographic Point diagram
  <> a sf:Point ;
  geo_core:xETRS89 "-3.669505941"^^xsd:float ;
  geo_core:yETRS89 "40.42907106"^^xsd:float ;
  geosparql:asWKT  "POINT (-3.6695059 40.42907106)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral ;
  geo:lat "40.4290710639788"^^xsd:float ;
  geo:long "-3.66950594187533"^^xsd:float .


The Vehicle Journey tmjourney:VehicleJourney are made using tmjourney:madeUsing tmjourney:JourneyPattern, work on tmjourney:workedOn Day Types tmjourney:DayType, are composed of tmjourney:composedOf Headway Journey Group tmjoruney:HeadwayJourneyGroup and its tmjourney:directionType is a taxonomy of < href="">tmkosjourney:direction-type.

Detail of the VehicleJourney diagram.
Figure 19. - Detail of the VehicleJourney diagram

Other properties are:

    <> a tmjourney:VehicleJourney ;
    dcterms:identifier "110a1"^^xsd:string ;
    tmjourney:journeyDuration "P1D"^^xsd:duration ;
    tmjourney:departureTime "09:00:00+02:00"^^xsd:time ;
    tmjourney:madeUsing <> ;
    tmjourney:workedOn <> ;
    tmjourney:composedOf <> ;
    tmjourney:directionType <> .

HeadwayJourneyGroup and HeadwayInterval

The tmjourney:VehicleJourney are composed of tmjourney:composedOf Headway Journey Groups tmjoruney:HeadwayJourneyGroup that informs about the first departure time tmjourney:firstDepartureTime, the last departure time tmjourney:lastDepartureTime and the last day offset tmjourney:lastDayOffset.

It is determined by tmjourney:determinedBy a Headway Interval tmjourney:HeadwayInterval that informs about its minimum headway interval tmjourney:minimumHeadwayInterval, its maximum headway interval tmjourney:maximumHeadwayInterval and the scheduled headway interval tmjourney:scheduledHeadwayInterval.

Detail of the HeadwayJourneyGroup and HeadwayInterval diagram
Figure 20. - Detail of the HeadwayJourneyGroup and HeadwayInterval diagrams
    <> a tmjourney:HeadwayJourneyGroup ;
    dcterms:identifier "138a1-laborable"^^xsd:string ;
    tmjourney:firstDepartureTime "06:15:00+02:00"^^xsd:time ;
    tmjourney:lastDepartureTime "23:30:00+02:00"^^xsd:time ;
    tmjourney:determinedBy <> .

    <> a tmjourney:HeadwayInterval ;
    tmjourney:minimumHeadwayInterval "P7M"^^xsd:duration ;
    tmjourney:maximumHeadwayInterval "P20M"^^xsd:duration ;
    tmjourney:scheduledHeadwayInterval "Cada 7 - 20 min."^^xsd:string .

DayType, DayTypeAssignment and ServiceCalendar

Each Service Calendar tmjourney:ServiceCalendar has the properties identifier dcterms:identifier, description dcterms:description, name schema:name, short name tmcommons:shortName the starting date tmjourney:from and the ending date tmjourney:to.

It is defined by tmjourney:definedBy day type assingments tmjourney:DayTypeAssignment which are days specifying tmjourney:specifying Day Types tmjourney:DayType that share the first four properties with Service Calendars tmjourney:ServiceCalendar and have some other own properties as the earliest time tmjourney:earliestTime and the day length dcterms:dayLength.

Detail of DayType, DayTypeAssignment and Service Calendar diagram.
Figure 21. - Detail of DayType, DayTypeAssignment and Service Calendar diagrams.
    <> a tmjourney:ServiceCalendar ;
    dcterms:identifier "2020"^^xsd:string ;
    dcterms:description "Calendario de servicio de la EMT Madrid para 2020"^^xsd:string ;
    schema:name "Calendario de servicio de la EMT Madrid para 2020"^^xsd:string ;
    tmcommons:shortName "Calendario Servicio EMT Madrid 2020"^^xsd:string ; 
    tmjourney:from "2020-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
    tmjourney:to "2020-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
    tmjourney:definedBy <> .

    <> a tmjourney:DayTypeAssignment ;
    tmjourney:date "2020-01-02"^^xsd:date ;
    tmjourney:isAvailable "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
    tmjourney:specifying <> .

    <> a tmjourney:DayType ;
    dcterms:identifier "laborable"^^xsd:string ;
    dcterms:description "Horario general para el servicio de EMT en día laborable." ;
    schema:name "Día laborable"^^xsd:string ;
    tmcommons:shortName "Laborables"^^xsd:string ;
    tmjourney:earliestTime "05:30:00"^^xsd:time .

Cross reference for classes, properties and data properties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by Vocabulary for the representation of data on public transport by bus.


Authorityc back to ToC or Class ToC


Public Transport Authority, the organization under which the responsability of organising the TransportService in a certain area (AdministrativeZone) is placed
has super-classes
Organisation c
is in range of
Serving Public Transport For op
is disjoint with
Operator c

Bus Linec back to ToC or Class ToC


Line of the public transport service of urban buses
Is defined by
has super-classes
Line c
is in domain of
Line End Stop Point op, Line Head Stop Point op
is disjoint with
JourneyPattern c

Conceptc back to ToC or Class ToC


An abstract idea or notion; a unit of thought.
Is defined by
is disjoint with
Concept Scheme c

Concept Schemec back to ToC or Class ToC


A concept scheme may be defined to include concepts from different sources.
A set of concepts, optionally including statements about semantic relationships between those concepts.
Is defined by
is in range of
It is in Scheme op
has members
day type ni, type of direction ni, type of incidence ni, type of stop ni
is disjoint with
Concept c

Contact Detailsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Contact Details for an Organisation. A subclass of schema:ContactPoint. As such, it can be the domain of properties like schema:url, schema:telephone, schema:email, etc.
has super-classes
Contact Point c
is in range of
characterised by op

Contact Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A contact point—for example, Contact section in a website of a Public Transport Organisation Network.
has sub-classes
Contact Details c
is in domain of
E-mail dp, Nombre alternativo dp, Nombre legal dp, Telephone dp
is in range of
Contact Point op

DayTypec back to ToC or Class ToC


A DayType is a type of day characterised by one or more properties which affect public transport operation
is in domain of
Earliest Time dp
is in range of
specifying op, worked On op

DayTypeAssignmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


The assignment of operational characteristics, expressed by DAY TYPEs, to particular OPERATING DAYs within a SERVICE CALENDAR.
is in domain of
Date dp, Is Available dp, specifying op
is in range of
defined By op

Destination Displayc back to ToC or Class ToC


An advertised destination of a specific Journey Pattern usually displayed on a headsign or other on-board locations
is in domain of
Front Text dp
is in range of
Prescribing op

Featurec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class represents the top-level feature type. This class is equivalent to GFI_Feature defined in ISO 19156, and it is superclass of all feature types.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Spatial Object c
has sub-classes
Incidence c, Stop Place c

Feature Of Interestc back to ToC or Class ToC


The thing whose property is being estimated or calculated in the course of an Observation to arrive at a Result or whose property is being manipulated by an Actuator, or which is being sampled or transformed in an act of Sampling.
The thing whose property is being estimated or calculated in the course of an Observation to arrive at a Result or whose property is being manipulated by an Actuator, or which is being sampled or transformed in an act of Sampling.
Is defined by
When measuring the height of a tree, the height is the observed ObservableProperty, 20m may be the Result of the Observation, and the tree is the FeatureOfInterest. A window is a FeatureOfInterest for an automatic window control Actuator.
has sub-classes
Point in Link Sequence c
is in range of
has Feature Of Interest op

Geographic Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class represents the top-level point type. This class is equivalent to GFI_Point defined in ISO 19156, and it is superclass of all point types.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Geometry c
is in domain of
latitude dp, longitude dp, xETRS89 dp, yETRS89 dp

Geometryc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class represents the top-level geometry type. This class is equivalent to GFI_Geometry defined in ISO 19156, and it is superclass of all geometry types.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Spatial Object c
has sub-classes
Geographic Point c
is in domain of
asWKT op
is in range of
hasGeometry op

Headway Intervalc back to ToC or Class ToC


A time interval or a duration defining a headway period and characterizing HeadwayJourneyGroup
is in domain of
Maximum Headway Interval dp, Minimum Headway Interval dp, Scheduled Headway Interval dp
is in range of
determined By op

Headway Journey Groupc back to ToC or Class ToC


A group of VEHICLE JOURNEYs following the same JOURNEY PATTERN having the same HEADWAY INTERVAL between a specified start and end time (for example, every 10 min). This is especially useful for passenger information.
is in domain of
First departure time dp, Last day offset dp, determined By op, last departure time dp
is in range of
composed of op

Incidencec back to ToC or Class ToC


Incidence in the traffic system of a city
Is defined by
has super-classes
Feature c
has sub-classes
Planned incidence c
is in domain of
Street directions dp, Traffic lanes dp, attached to incidence dp
is in range of
JourneyPattern generated by an Incidenceline affected by an incidence op, line affected by an incidence op
is disjoint with
Stop Place c

JourneyPatternc back to ToC or Class ToC


An ordered list of Scheduled Stop Points and Timing Point on a single Route, describing the pattern of working for public transport vehicles. A Journey Pattern may pass through the same Point more than once. The first point of a JourneyPattern is the origin. The last point is the destination.
has super-classes
Link Sequence c
is in domain of
JourneyPattern generated by an Incidenceline affected by an incidence op, Prescribing op, on op
is disjoint with
Bus Line c

Linec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Line is a group of Routes which is generally known to the public by a similar name or number.
has super-classes
has sub-classes
Bus Line c
is in domain of
presented by op
is in range of
operating op

Link Sequencec back to ToC or Class ToC


An ordered sequence either of POINTs or of LINKs, defining a path through the network
has super-classes
has sub-classes
JourneyPattern c, Route c
is in domain of
Distance dp, made Using op

Observationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Act of carrying out an (Observation) Procedure to estimate or calculate a value of a property of a FeatureOfInterest. Links to a Sensor to describe what made the Observation and how; links to an ObservableProperty to describe what the result is an estimate of, and to a FeatureOfInterest to detail what that property was associated with
Act of carrying out an (Observation) Procedure to estimate or calculate a value of a property of a FeatureOfInterest. Links to a Sensor to describe what made the Observation and how; links to an ObservableProperty to describe what the result is an estimate of, and to a FeatureOfInterest to detail what that property was associated with.
Is defined by
The activity of estimating the intensity of an Earthquake using the Mercalli intensity scale is an Observation as is measuring the moment magnitude, i.e., the energy released by said earthquake.
has sub-classes
Waiting Time c
is in domain of
Phenomenon Time dp, has Feature Of Interest op, made by sensor op

Operatorc back to ToC or Class ToC


A company providing Public Transport Services. In GTFS, this is represented as a TransitAgency
has super-classes
Organisation c
is in domain of
Serving Public Transport For op, operating op
is disjoint with
Authority c

Organisationc back to ToC or Class ToC


A legally incorporated body associated with any aspect of the transport system
is equivalent to
Organization c
has super-classes
Organization c
has sub-classes
Authority c, Operator c
is in domain of
characterised by op

Organizationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Represents a collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organizations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures. It is recommended that SKOS lexical labels should be used to label the Organization. In particular `skos:prefLabel` for the primary (possibly legally recognized name), `skos:altLabel` for alternative names (trading names, colloquial names) and `skos:notation` to denote a code from a code list. Alternative names: _Collective_ _Body_ _Org_ _Group_
has sub-classes
Organisation c

Placec back to ToC or Class ToC


A geographic Place of any type which may be specified as the origin or destination of a Trip. A Place may be represented as a Point (dimension 0), a Road section (dimension 1) or a Zone (dimension 2)
has super-classes
Zone c
has sub-classes
Stop Area c, Stop Place c

Planned incidencec back to ToC or Class ToC


Planned traffic incidence
Is defined by
has super-classes
Incidence c
is in domain of
(expected) end date dp, Recurrence dp, Recurrent incidence dp

Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Point is a 0-dimensional Node of the Network used for the spatial description of the network. Point may be located by a Location
has sub-classes
Route Point c, Scheduled Stop Point c, Timing Point In Journey Pattern c
is in domain of
functionalCentroidFor op
is in range of
viewed As op

Point In Journey Patternc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Scheduled Stop Point OR Timing Point in a Journey Pattern with its order in that Journey Pattern
has super-classes
Point in Link Sequence c
has sub-classes
Stop Point In Journey Pattern c

Point in Link Sequencec back to ToC or Class ToC


A POINT in a LINK SEQUENCE indicating its order in that particular LINK SEQUENCE.
has super-classes
Feature Of Interest c
has sub-classes
Point In Journey Pattern c, Point on Route c, Timing Point In Journey Pattern c
is in domain of
Distance from start dp, Order dp, viewed As op
is in range of
made Using op

Point on Routec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Route Point used to define a Route with its order on that Route.
has super-classes
Point in Link Sequence c

Postal Addressc back to ToC or Class ToC


A postal address according to the esdir vocabulary.
is in range of
Has Address op

Presentationc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to represent a Line, or any other object, in a map
has super-classes
is in domain of
colour dp, text colour dp
is in range of
presented by op

Routec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Route is and ordered list of located Points defining one single path through the road (or rail) network.
has super-classes
Link Sequence c
is in domain of
Direction Type op
is in range of
on op

Route Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Point used to define the shape of a Route through the network.
has super-classes
Point c

Scheduled Stop Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Scheduled Stop Point is a Point where a Passenger can board or alight from a Vehicle.
has super-classes
Point c
is in domain of
Included In op, for Alighting dp, for Boarding dp

Sensorc back to ToC or Class ToC


Device, agent (including humans), or software (simulation) involved in, or implementing, a Procedure. Sensors respond to a stimulus, e.g., a change in the environment, or input data composed from the results of prior Observations, and generate a Result. Sensors can be hosted by Platforms.
Device, agent (including humans), or software (simulation) involved in, or implementing, a Procedure. Sensors respond to a stimulus, e.g., a change in the environment, or input data composed from the results of prior Observations, and generate a Result. Sensors can be hosted by Platforms.
Is defined by
Accelerometers, gyroscopes, barometers, magnetometers, and so forth are Sensors that are typically mounted on a modern smart phone (which acts as Platform). Other examples of sensors include the human eyes.
is in range of
made by sensor op

ServiceCalendarc back to ToC or Class ToC


A collection of DAY TYPE ASSIGNMENTs.
is in domain of
defined By op, from dp, to dp

Spatial Objectc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class represents the top-level spatial object type. This class is equivalent to GFI_SpatialObject defined in ISO 19156, and it is superclass of all spatial object types.
Is defined by
has sub-classes
Feature c, Geometry c

Stop Areac back to ToC or Class ToC


A group of Scheduled Stop Points close to each other
has super-classes
Place c
is in range of
Included In op

Stop Placec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Stop of the public transport service of urban buses
Is defined by
has super-classes
Feature c, Place c
is in domain of
Electronic Information Panel dp, WiFi dp
is in range of
Line End Stop Point op, Line Head Stop Point op
is disjoint with
Incidence c

Stop Point In Journey Patternc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Point in Journey Pattern that is a Scheduled Stop Point
has super-classes
Point In Journey Pattern c
is in domain of
stop Use op

Timing Point In Journey Patternc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Point in a JourneyPattern which is a TimingPoint
has super-classes
Point c, Point in Link Sequence c
is in range of
timedFrom op

VehicleJourneyc back to ToC or Class ToC


The planned movement of a Public Transport Vehicle on a DayType from the start point to the end point of a JourneyPattern on a specified Route.
is in domain of
Departure Time dp, Journey Duration dp, composed of op, timedFrom op, worked On op

Waiting Timec back to ToC or Class ToC


Waiting time up to date
Is defined by
has super-classes
Observation c
is in domain of
Expected Arrival Time dp

Zonec back to ToC or Class ToC


A two-dimensional PLACE within the service area of a public transport operator (administrative zone, TARIFF ZONE, ACCESS ZONE, etc.).
has sub-classes
Place c
is in range of
functionalCentroidFor op

Object Properties

asWKTop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Geometry c
is also defined as
data property

characterised byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property relates an Organisation with its corresponding Contact Details. It is a subproperty of schema:contactPoint, which relates anything to a ContactPoint
has super-properties
Contact Point op, top object property
has domain
Organisation c
has range
Contact Details c

composed ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property relates a Vehicle Journey with the Headway Journey Group which sets the first and last departure time.
has domain
VehicleJourney c
has range
Headway Journey Group c

Contact Pointop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A contact point for a person or organization.
has super-properties
top object property
has sub-properties
characterised by op
has range
Contact Point c

defined Byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property sets the relationship between Service Calendar and Day Type Assignment
has domain
ServiceCalendar c
has range
DayTypeAssignment c

determined Byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A Headway Journey Group determined by a Headway Interval
has domain
Headway Journey Group c
has range
Headway Interval c

Direction Typeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property allows describing the type of direction for a Route
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Route c
has range
Concept c and (It is in Scheme op value direction type)

functionalCentroidForop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property allows connecting a Point with a Zone.
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Point c
has range
Zone c

Has Addressop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The address of a Stop Point
has super-properties
top object property
has range
Postal Address c

has Feature Of Interestop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The Observation esautob:RealTimePassingTime has a feature of Interest which is tmjourney:PointInLinkSequece
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Observation c
has range
Feature Of Interest c

hasGeometryop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A spatial representation for a given feature.
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
has range
Geometry c

Included Inop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A Scheduled Stop Point can be next to other Stop Points so they can be included in a Stop Area.
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Scheduled Stop Point c
has range
Stop Area c

It is in Schemeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relates a resource (for example a concept) to a concept scheme in which it is included.
Is defined by
has super-properties
top object property
has range
Concept Scheme c

JourneyPattern generated by an Incidenceline affected by an incidenceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relationship of a JourneyPattern of a Route which has been created by an Incidence.
Is defined by
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
JourneyPattern c
has range
Incidence c

line affected by an incidenceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relationship of a line affected by an incidence.
Is defined by
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
has range
Incidence c

Line End Stop Pointop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Points out which stop point is the end of the line.
Is defined by
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Bus Line c
has range
Stop Place c

Line Head Stop Pointop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Points out which stop point is the heading of the line.
Is defined by
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Bus Line c
has range
Stop Place c

made by sensorop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relación entre una Observación y un Sensor que realiza la Observación.
Is defined by
has domain
Observation c
has range
Sensor c

made Up Ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relationship between entities made up of other entities
has super-properties
top object property

made Usingop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property connects some classes to other classes that makes its behaviour possible
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Link Sequence c
has range
Point in Link Sequence c

observed propertyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relation linking an Observation to the property that was observed. The ObservableProperty should be a property of the FeatureOfInterest (linked by hasFeatureOfInterest) of this Observation.
Is defined by

observesop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relation between a Sensor and an ObservableProperty that it is capable of sensing.
Is defined by

onop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property connects the JourneyPattern with the Route where it works
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
JourneyPattern c
has range
Route c

operatingop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property points out what Lines are operated by what Operator
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Operator c
has range
Line c

Prescribingop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A Journey Pattern is prescribing a Destination Display
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
JourneyPattern c
has range
Destination Display c

presented byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to connect a Line with its corresponding Presentation
has domain
Line c
has range
Presentation c

Serving Public Transport Forop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property points out for with Authority is working for the Operator
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Operator c
has range
Authority c

specifyingop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


La asignación de características operativas expresadas en Día Tipo a un Día Operativo particular dentro de un Calendario de Servicio.
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
DayTypeAssignment c
has range
DayType c

stop Useop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property allows describing the type of use of a stop (e.g., access, interchange only, pass through)
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Stop Point In Journey Pattern c
has range
Concept c and (It is in Scheme op value stop use type)

timedFromop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The relationship between a sort of Journey and a sort of Timing Point
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
VehicleJourney c
has range
Timing Point In Journey Pattern c

viewed Asop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property allows connecting a Point in Link Sequence with the corresponding Point
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
Point in Link Sequence c
has range
Point c

worked Onop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property sets the relationship between Vehicle Journey and Day Type.
has super-properties
top object property
has domain
VehicleJourney c
has range
DayType c

Data Properties

(expected) end datedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The end date and time of a planned incidence (in ISO 8601 date format).
Is defined by
has domain
Planned incidence c
has range
date time

(expected) start datedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The start date or start date and time in ISO 8601 date format.
Is defined by
has range
date time

attached to incidencedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


A document where more information about the incidence can be found.
Is defined by
has domain
Incidence c
has range
any u r i

colourdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The colour used to represent something with a Presentation (e.g., a Line)
has domain
Presentation c
has range

Datedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Date of a Day Type Assignment.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
DayTypeAssignment c
has range
date time

Date createddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The end date or end date and time in ISO 8601 date format.
Is defined by
has range
date time

Date posteddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The end date or date and time in ISO 8601 date format.
Is defined by
has range
date time

Departure Timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Departure time scheduled for a Vehicle Journey.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
VehicleJourney c
has range
date time

Descriptiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


A description of the resource within a given context.
Is defined by
has range

Distancedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Total distance for a Line or a Route like.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Link Sequence c
has range

Distance from startdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


For a Point in a Link Sequence (or alike), this property represents the distance from the start of the corresponding Journey Pattern or alike.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Point in Link Sequence c
has range

E-maildp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


E-mail from Contact Point
Is defined by
has domain
Contact Point c
has range

Earliest Timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Earliest time for the beginning of a service a certain Day Type.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
DayType c
has range
date time

Electronic Information Paneldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The Stop Place has an Electronic Information Panel to display information up to date of the waiting time and othe kind of information if necessary.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Stop Place c
has range

end datedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The end date or date and time of an incidence in ISO 8601 date format).
Is defined by
has range
date time

Expected Arrival Timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Expecected arrival time of a Bus at a Stop Place, esautob:RealTimePassingTime.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Waiting Time c
has range

First departure timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The time of beginning of a Vehicle Journey.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Headway Journey Group c
has range
date time

for Alightingdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows describing whether the stop may be used for alighting.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Scheduled Stop Point c
has range

for Boardingdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows describing whether the stop may be used for boarding
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Scheduled Stop Point c
has range

fromdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows describing the beginning of a Service Calendar
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
ServiceCalendar c
has range

Front Textdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Displayed Text usually in the front of a Vehicle of the Public Transport Service.
has domain
Destination Display c
has range

Identifierdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Is defined by
has range

Is Availabledp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Property to state whether the Day Type Assignment is available or not.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
DayTypeAssignment c
has range

Journey Durationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Journey duration scheduled for a Vehicle Journey.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
VehicleJourney c
has range
date time

Last day offsetdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The offset time of ending of a Vehicle Journey.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Headway Journey Group c
has range
date time

last departure timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The time of ending of a Vehicle Journey.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Headway Journey Group c
has range
date time

latitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Latitude in WGS84
has domain
Geographic Point c
has range

longitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Longitude in WGS84
has domain
Geographic Point c
has range

Maximum Headway Intervaldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The maximum interval from Headway.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Headway Interval c
has range
date time

Minimum Headway Intervaldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The minimum interval from Headway.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Headway Interval c
has range
date time

Nombredp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Name of an entity.
Is defined by
has range

Nombre alternativodp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Alternate name, alias or popular name of some Thing.
Is defined by
has domain
Contact Point c
has range

Nombre legaldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Legal Name of an entity
Is defined by
has domain
Contact Point c
has range

Orderdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Order of a Point in Link Sequence, or in a Point on Route within sequence, or in any other type of situation where the order or points are relevant
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Point in Link Sequence c
has range
non negative integer

Phenomenon Timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property sets the dateTime of the observation
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Observation c
has range
date time

Recurrencedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows describing the recurrence
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Planned incidence c
has range

Recurrent incidencedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows describing whether there is a recurrence in the incidence or not
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Planned incidence c
has range

Scheduled Headway Intervaldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The scheduled interval from Headway.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Headway Interval c
has range
date time

Short Namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Short name for an entity
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Line c
has range

Street directionsdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Number of directions of traffic
Is defined by
has domain
Incidence c
has range

Telephonedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Telephone to contact and get some information from the entity
Is defined by
has domain
Contact Point c
has range

text colourdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The colour used to represent the text associated to something with a Presentation (e.g., a Line)
has domain
Presentation c
has range

todp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows describing the end of a Service Calendar
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
ServiceCalendar c
has range

Traffic lanesdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Number of lanes of traffic
Is defined by
has domain
Incidence c
has range

URLdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Dirección URL pública donde puedes obtener información de la entidad
Is defined by
has range
any u r i

WiFidp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The Stop Place has a public WiFi network.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Stop Place c
has range

xETRS89dp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


X-Coordinate in meters (ETRS89)
has domain
Geographic Point c
has range

yETRS89dp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Y-Coordinate in meters (ETRS89)
has domain
Geographic Point c
has range

Zonedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The Stop Place is part of a Zone.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
has range

Named Individuals

day typeni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


Concept scheme where all the codelists for the types of datatype properties that are included in the Transmodel ontology
belongs to
Concept Scheme c

type of directionni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


Type of direction of a Vehicle Journey: inbound, outbound, clockwise or anticlockwise.
belongs to
Concept Scheme c

type of incidenceni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


belongs to
Concept Scheme c

type of stopni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


Type of stop in a vehicle journey.
belongs to
Concept Scheme c

Legend back to ToC

c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties
ni: Named Individuals

References back to ToC

The vocabulary of the urban public bus transport service mainly uses the modules of the Transmodel vocabulary, relies on other vocabularies (sosa, geo, kos and organization) as well as creating some ad hoc classes and properties.

In particular, from Transmodel the following vocabularies have been reused:

The other vocabularies that have been employed are:

Acknowledgments back to ToC

The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation; to María Poveda for developing Oops (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner), the software used to detect common pitfails in the ontology; to Eric Prudhommeaux for its validation RDF service; to IDLab - Ghent University for its Turtle validator.