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Vocabulary for the representation of data on traffic made by motor vehicles

Release 2020-06-16

This version:
This is the initial version of the vocabulary of Traffic that has been generated within the context of the project Open Government, Collaborative and Interoperable Platform in which partipate the city councils of Madrid, Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña.
Adolfo Antón Bravo (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Edna Ruckhaus (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Oscar Corcho (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Localidata)
Paola Espinoza Arias (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Ana Bajo Prieto - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Honorio Enrique Crespo Díaz-Alejo - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
José Antonio Chanca Cáceres - Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
Juan Antonio López López - Ayuntamiento de A Coruña
María Carmen Ruiz Moreno - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
María Jesús Fernández Ruiz - Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
María Jesús Gallego San Miguel - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
María del Mar Arribas de Andrés - Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Servicio de Informática - Ayuntamiento de Santiago de Compostela
Servicio de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico - Ayuntamiento de A Coruña
Víctor Morlán Plo - Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
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Adolfo Antón Bravo (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid),Edna Ruckhaus (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid),Oscar Corcho (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Localidata),Paola Espinoza Arias (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Vocabulario para la representación de datos sobre el tráfico de vehículos a motor de las ciudades.. Revision: This is the initial version of the vocabulary of Traffic that has been generated within the context of the project Open Government, Collaborative and Interoperable Platform in which partipate the city councils of Madrid, Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña.. Retrieved from:
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Ontology Specification Draft


Urban Motor Vehicle Traffic Ontology, including control equipment for traffic, traffic measurement devices. traffic sections and incidents.

Table of contents

Introduction back to ToC

Traffic refers to the circulation of vehicles that occurs in a certain space and period of time. In order to know how this circulation takes place, or better known as the state of the traffic, a great variety of devices are used to carry out the measurements, for example, turns, artificial vision, etc. These measurements are generally made taking into account different variables, for example: the number of vehicles that pass through an area in a certain period of time, the speed of the vehicle, the type of vehicle, etc. Additionally, it is necessary to consider the incidents that occur on the roads and that influence the circulation of vehicles. These incidents can be planned, as in the case of long-term works or demonstrations, or unplanned, as in the case of accidents.

Having the data on the traffic that occurs in cities is a valuable input for both the Town Halls and the public. On the one hand, thanks to this data, Town and City Councils can have a valuable input for urban planning in different areas such as traffic management, road infrastructure design, forecasts and policies regarding pollution protocols, mobility studies, etc. On the other hand, citizens benefit from the availability of this data to plan the best route to move around, make the decision to use public transport instead of their own vehicle, etc.

In the City Councils, traffic data is published either through visualizations or available files, in some cases in their open data portals, in formats such as: CSV, XLS, XML, KML, JSON, etc. The level of detail and update frequency (which can range from about 5 minutes to several hours) varies between entities, however, it is noted that in general there is traffic status data expressed as traffic intensity, location of points where measurement devices are located, expected incidents on the roads, etc.

Having the semantic representation of traffic status data by means of a consensus model is an opportunity for the development of tools to facilitate access to and exploitation of this data. And in the future, its relationship with other sets of data that can enrich it, for example, data from the street map, districts, neighbourhoods, etc.

Namespace declarations

Table 1: Namespaces used in the document

Overview back to ToC

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

Named Individuals

Vocabulario para la representación de datos sobre el tráfico de vehículos a motor de las ciudades.: Description back to ToC

This vocabulary represents the traffic information of cities, which includes motor vehicles and excludes other types of vehicles or passers-by.

Therefore the scope of this vocabulary is defined in:

Figure 1 shows the classes and properties of the traffic vocabulary. The main objective of this vocabulary is to allow the representation of traffic equipment as well as incidences.

Open Cities Initiative Traffic Vocabulary Diagram
Figure 1. - Vocabulary for the representation of data on urban motor vehicle traffic

In order to represent monitoring devices it has been created the concept estraf:EquipoTrafico that must be associated with a estraf:tipoEquipoTrafico that links with the taxonomy estraf-kos:tipo-equipo-trafico. Their properties are a identifier dct:identifier, a description estraf:descripcion, the number of directions it performs estraf#numSentidos, the number of lanes estraf:numCarriles and whether it is urban or not estraf:urbano.

This device monitors estraf:monitorea a section estraf:Tramo which is a created class to describe sections monitored by devices and sections affected by an estraf:Incidencia.

There are two types of traffic equipment, traffic control equipment estraf:EquipoTrafico and traffic measurement devices estraf:DispositivoMedicionTrafico. Both devices and their corresponding subtypes are defined in the above-mentioned taxonomy estraf-kos:tipo-equipo-trafico.

For traffic measurement devices it has been created the class estraf:DispositivoMedicionTrafico which is also a a subclass of sosa:Sensor and it is displayed in the diagram that explains this section of the vocabulary focused on the description of the performance of measurement devices.

Diagram of Traffic Equipment and Traffic Measuring Device as a subclass of soda:Sensor
Figure 2. - Diagram of Traffic Equipment and Traffic Measuring Device as a subclass of soda:Sensor

The class estraf:DispositivoMedicionTrafico which is a subclass of estraf:EquipoTrafico and sosa:Sensor is monitoring sosa:observes the created class estraf:PropiedadMedicionTrafico which is a subclass of sosa:ObservableProperty where it is especified the unity of measurement of the device with the property estraf:unidadMedida. Moreover, estraf:DispositivoMedicionTrafico it has an attribute that indicates whether or not it is on service estraf:enservicio

The class estraf:PropiedadMedicionTrafico has six instances which are the measurements defined so far: intensity estraf:intensidad, occupation estraf:ocupacion, load estraf:carga, speed estraf:velocidad, occupation level estraf:nivel and composition estraf:composicion.

The properties are the observed properties sosa:observedProperty of the class estraf:ObservacionTrafico, a created class which is a subclass of sosa:Observation with the following attributes: the result time sosa:resultTime, the result itself sosa:hasSimpleResult and the created property "validated" estraf:validada. The time in which the observation has been made is expressed through the property sosa:phenomenonTime which links with the class time:ProperInterval, subclass of time:Interval which has the beginning of an interval time:hasBegining and an end time:hasEnd which both link with the class time:Instant which is also, as time:Interval, a subclass of time:TemporalEntity. Finally, the observation has a feature of interest relation sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest with the section estraf:Tramo it monitors.

Diagram of the traffic incidence and its relation with the section
Figure 3. - Diagram of the traffic incidence and its relation with the section.

The main concept of this section is Incidence estraf:Incidencia which is linked to section estraf:Tramo through the property incidence in section estraf:incidenciaEnTramo.

Due to the fact that is a subclass of geosparql:Feature as well as estraf:Tramo and estraf:EquipoTrafico are, they have the property geosparql:hasGeometry which links with the localisation in a geographic point sf:Point whose attributes are the coordinates in WGS84 with geo:lat and geo:long and in ETRS89 with geo_core:xETRS89 and geo_core:yETRS89.

It also relations with the taxonomy of types of incidence estraf-kos:tipo-incidencia through the property estraf:tipoIncidencia.

estraf:Incidencia has an identifier dct:identifier, a description dct:description, a start date schema:startDate, an end date schema:endDate, the number of directions it affects estraf:numSentidos and the number of lanes estraf:numCarriles.

It has two subclasses, the planned incidence estraf:IncidenciaPlanificada and the unplanned incidences estraf:IncidenciaNoPlanificada for those who are not planned.

As well as for estraf:Incidencia, estraf:EquipoTrafico and estraf:Tramo are also subclasses of geosparql:Feature, so it is repeated the property geosparql:hasGeometry as in estraf:Incidencia.

3.1 Usage examples back to index

In order to facilitate the understanding of the use of some classes and properties of this vocabulary, some examples are provided below:

3.1.1 Traffic Equipment

Firstly for the representation of the traffic device it is created the class estraf:EquipoTrafico, or estraf:DispositivoMedicionTrafico if this is a measurement traffic device. In any case the device has an identifier dct:identifier, a description dct:description and if it is a measurement traffic device also the property estraf:enServicio and the frecuency of measurement with estraf:frecuenciaMedicion. It is also possible indicate how many directions a device observes with estraf:numSentidos, how many lanes it observes and whether it is an urban device or not with estraf:urbano.

It is linked throught the property estraf:tipoEquipoTrafico with the corresponding device of the taxaonomy of types of traffic devices estraf-kos:tipo-equipo-trafico. For instance a Pneumatic hose links with estraf-kos:tubo-neumatico.

    <> a estraf:DispositivoMedicionTrafico ;
    dct:identifier "100"^^xsd:string ;
    dct:description "C. GRAN VIA;San Bernardo-Garcia Molinas;San Bernardo"^^xsd:string ;
    sosa:observes <> ;
    estraf:numSentidos "2"^^xsd:int ;
    estraf:numCarriles "8"^^xsd:integer ;
    estraf:urbano "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
    estraf:enServicio "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
    estraf:frecuenciaMedicion "5 minutos"^^xsd:string ;
    geosparql:hasGeometry <> ;
    estraf:monitorea <> ;
    estraf:tipoEquipoTrafico <> .

3.1.2 Geographical Feature

Due to the fact that estraf:EquipoTrafico is a subclass of geosparql:Feature, it relates through geosparql:hasGeometry with the localisation of the measurement point sf:Point.

    <> a sf:Point ;
    geo:lat "40,42262"^^xsd:float ;
    geo:long "-3,71224"^^xsd:float ;
    geo_core:xETRS89 "-2465360,47"^^xsd:float ;
    geo_core:yETRS89 "5100548,33"^^xsd:float ;
    geosparql:asWKT  "POINT (-3.71224 40,42262)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .

3.1.3 What it observes

The instance of estraf:DispositivoMedicionTrafico is associated with instances of the class estraf:PropiedadMedicionTrafico through the property sosa:observes. This instance has the measurement unit of the property in estraf:unidadMedida.

    <> a estraf:PropiedadMedicionTrafico ;
    estraf:unidadMedida "Porcentaje"^^xsd:string .

3.1.4 Traffic observation

With instances of this class has also relation the class estraf:ObservacionTrafico through the property sosa:observedProperty. In this class are included as properties the time when the observation was performed in sosa:resultTime and the result itself in sosa:hasSimpleResult, as well as the created property estraf:validada to indicate whether the observation is validated or not. In order to represent the registry interval of observation it is used the property sosa:phenomenonTime which relate with the class time:ProperInterval as it has been explained before.


    <> a estraf:ObservacionTrafico ;
    dct:identifier "100-20200423114500"^^xsd:string ;
    sosa:resultTime "2020-04-23T11:45:00+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    sosa:hasSimpleResult "60"^^xsd:integer ;
    estraf:validada "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
    sosa:madeBySensor <> ;
    sosa:observedProperty <> ;
    sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <> ;
    sosa:phenomenonTime <> .

Observation Interval:

    <> a time:ProperInterval ;
    time:hasBegining <> ;
    time:hasEnd <> .

    <> a time:Instant ;
    time:inXSDgYearMonth "2020-04-23T11:44:55+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
    <> a time:Instant ;
    time:inXSDgYearMonth "2020-04-23T11:45:00+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime .

3.1.5 The feature of interest

This observation has a feature of interest sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest which relates the Observation estraf:Observacion with the section estraf:Tramo it monitors.

    <> a estraf:Tramo ;
    geosparql:hasGeometry <> ;
    estraf:inicioTramo <> ;
    estraf:finTramo <> ;
    estraf:via  <> .

3.1.6 Incidence

In order to represent an estraf:Incidencia the class with the properties listed below has been created: a creation date dct:created; a start date schema:startDate; an end date schema:endDate; a scheduled end date estraf:fechaFinPrevista; the number of directions affected by the incidence estraf:numSentidos; the number of lanes affected by the incidence estraf:numCarriles; the property estraf:esRecurrente sets whether the incidence is recurrent or not; the reason of the recurrence estraf:recurrencia; and finally the URI of a document to find all the information about the incidence rdfs:seeAlso:

    <> a estraf:Incidencia ;
    dct:identifier "1000"^^xsd:string ;
    dct:description "EXP-2020/22329 Plaza Humilladero-Almendro"^^xsd:string ;
    schema:startDate "2020-03-12T16:00:00+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    schema:endDate "2020-03-13T23:00:00+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    estraf:fechaFinPrevista "2028-03-08T23:00:00+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    estraf:numSentidos "1"^^xsd:integer ;
    estraf:numCarriles "3"^^xsd:integer ;
    estraf:esRecurrente "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
    estraf:recurrencia "Excursión juvenil" ;
    estraf:tipoIncidencia <> ;
    <> ;
    estraf:incidenciaEnTramo <> .

Cross reference for classes, object properties and dataproperties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by Vocabulary for the representation of data on traffic made by motor vehicles.


Conceptc back to ToC or Class ToC


An abstract idea or notion; a unit of thought.
Is defined by
is disjoint with
Concept Scheme c

Concept Schemec back to ToC or Class ToC


A concept scheme may be defined to include concepts from different sources.
A set of concepts, optionally including statements about semantic relationships between those concepts.
Is defined by
is in range of
is in scheme op
has members
type of incidence ni, type of traffic devices ni
is disjoint with
Concept c

Featurec back to ToC or Class ToC


Esta clase representa una característica de alto nivel, equivalente a GFI_Feature definida en ISP 19156 y es una supercale para todos los tipos de características espaciales.
Is defined by
has super-classes
SpatialObject c
has sub-classes
Incidence c, Section of Track c, Traffic equipment c

Feature Of Interestc back to ToC or Class ToC


The thing whose property is being estimated or calculated in the course of an Observation to arrive at a Result or whose property is being manipulated by an Actuator, or which is being sampled or transformed in an act of Sampling.
The thing whose property is being estimated or calculated in the course of an Observation to arrive at a Result or whose property is being manipulated by an Actuator, or which is being sampled or transformed in an act of Sampling.
Is defined by
When measuring the height of a tree, the height is the observed ObservableProperty, 20m may be the Result of the Observation, and the tree is the FeatureOfInterest. A window is a FeatureOfInterest for an automatic window control Actuator.

Geographic Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class represents the top-level point type. This class is equivalent to GFI_Point defined in ISO 19156, and it is superclass of all point types.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Geometry c
is in domain of
latitude dp, longitude dp, xETRS89 dp, yETRS89 dp
is in range of
Section end op, Section start op

Geometryc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class represents the top-level geometry type. This class is equivalent to GFI_Geometry defined in ISO 19156, and it is superclass of all geometry types.
Is defined by
has super-classes
SpatialObject c
has sub-classes
Geographic Point c

Incidencec back to ToC or Class ToC


Incidence in the traffic system of a city
Is defined by
has super-classes
Feature c
has sub-classes
Planned incidence c, Unplanned incidence c
is in domain of
(expected) start date dp, Incidence in Section op, Type of Incidence op, attached to incidence dp, end date dp, posted incidence date dp
is disjoint with
Traffic equipment c, Section of Track c

Observable Propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC


An observable quality (property, characteristic) of a FeatureOfInterest.
An observable quality (property, characteristic) of a FeatureOfInterest.
Is defined by
The height of a tree, the depth of a water body, or the temperature of a surface are examples of observable properties, while the value of a classic car is not (directly) observable but asserted.
has sub-classes
Traffic meassuring property c

Observationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Act of carrying out an (Observation) Procedure to estimate or calculate a value of a property of a FeatureOfInterest. Links to a Sensor to describe what made the Observation and how; links to an ObservableProperty to describe what the result is an estimate of, and to a FeatureOfInterest to detail what that property was associated with
Act of carrying out an (Observation) Procedure to estimate or calculate a value of a property of a FeatureOfInterest. Links to a Sensor to describe what made the Observation and how; links to an ObservableProperty to describe what the result is an estimate of, and to a FeatureOfInterest to detail what that property was associated with.
Is defined by
The activity of estimating the intensity of an Earthquake using the Mercalli intensity scale is an Observation as is measuring the moment magnitude, i.e., the energy released by said earthquake.
has sub-classes
Traffic monitoring c
is in domain of
Interval Time op

Planned incidencec back to ToC or Class ToC


Planned traffic incidence
Is defined by
has super-classes
Incidence c
is in domain of
(expected) end date dp, Recurrence dp, Recurrent incidence dp

Proper intervalc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal entity with non-zero extent or duration, i.e. for which the value of the beginning and end are different.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Time interval c
is in domain of
Has Beginning op, Has End op
is in range of
Interval Time op

Section of Trackc back to ToC or Class ToC


Section/s of a Track defined by a starting and an ending Point.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Feature c
is in domain of
Section end op, Section start op, Tracks op
is in range of
Incidence in Section op, Monitors op, has feature of interest op
is disjoint with
Traffic equipment c, Incidence c

Sensorc back to ToC or Class ToC


Device, agent (including humans), or software (simulation) involved in, or implementing, a Procedure. Sensors respond to a stimulus, e.g., a change in the environment, or input data composed from the results of prior Observations, and generate a Result. Sensors can be hosted by Platforms.
Device, agent (including humans), or software (simulation) involved in, or implementing, a Procedure. Sensors respond to a stimulus, e.g., a change in the environment, or input data composed from the results of prior Observations, and generate a Result. Sensors can be hosted by Platforms.
Is defined by
Accelerometers, gyroscopes, barometers, magnetometers, and so forth are Sensors that are typically mounted on a modern smart phone (which acts as Platform). Other examples of sensors include the human eyes.
has sub-classes
Traffic Measuring Device c

SpatialObjectc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class represents the top-level spatial object type. This class is equivalent to GFI_SpatialObject defined in ISO 19156, and it is superclass of all spatial object types.
Is defined by
has sub-classes
Feature c, Geometry c

Streetc back to ToC or Class ToC


Part of street network
Is defined by
is in range of
Tracks op

Temporal Entityc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal interval or instant.
Is defined by
has sub-classes
Time instant c, Time interval c

Time instantc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal entity with zero extent or duration.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Temporal Entity c
is in domain of
in XSD g-YearMonth op
is in range of
Has Beginning op, Has End op, in XSD g-YearMonth op

Time intervalc back to ToC or Class ToC


A temporal entity with an extent or duration.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Temporal Entity c
has sub-classes
Proper interval c

Traffic equipmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


A traffic equipment monitors the traffic of a city
Is defined by
has super-classes
Feature c
has sub-classes
Traffic Measuring Device c
is in domain of
Monitors op, Type of Traffic Equipment op, Urban dp
is disjoint with
Incidence c, Section of Track c

Traffic meassuring propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC


Property of the Meassurement of Traffic: composition, load, occupation, intensity, level or speed.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Observable Property c
is in domain of
Unit of Measurement dp
is in range of
observed property op, observes op
has members
composition ni, level ni, occupation ni, speed ni, traffic intensity ni, traffic load ni

Traffic Measuring Devicec back to ToC or Class ToC


Traffic Measuring Device, type of Traffic Device which performs measurements.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Sensor c, Traffic equipment c
is in domain of
Measurement Frequency dp, Running device dp, observes op
is in range of
made by sensor op

Traffic monitoringc back to ToC or Class ToC


Observation by a Traffic Measuring Device
Is defined by
has super-classes
Observation c
is in domain of
Observation Result dp, Phenomenon Time dp, Validated Observation dp, has feature of interest op, made by sensor op, observed property op

Unplanned incidencec back to ToC or Class ToC


Unplanned traffic incidence
Is defined by
has super-classes
Incidence c

Object Properties

Has Beginningop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Beginning of a temporal entity
has domain
Proper interval c
has range
Time instant c

Has Endop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


End of a temporal entity
has domain
Proper interval c
has range
Time instant c

has feature of interestop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A relation between an Observation and the entity whose quality was observed.
Is defined by
has domain
Traffic monitoring c
has range
Section of Track c

in XSD g-YearMonthop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Time instant c
has range
Time instant c
is also defined as
data property

Incidence in Sectionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relationship of the Incidence withe the Section, where it happens.
Is defined by

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Incidence c
has range
Section of Track c

Interval Timeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property sets the interval of time of the observation
has domain
Observation c
has range
Proper interval c

is in schemeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relaciona un recurso (por ejemplo un concepto) con un esquema de conceptos en el que está incluido.
Is defined by
has range
Concept Scheme c

made by sensorop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relación entre una Observación y un Sensor que realiza la Observación.
Is defined by
has domain
Traffic monitoring c
has range
Traffic Measuring Device c

Monitorsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relationship between Traffic Equipment and the Section it monitors
Is defined by

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Traffic equipment c
has range
Section of Track c

observed propertyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relation linking an Observation to the property that was observed. The ObservableProperty should be a property of the FeatureOfInterest (linked by hasFeatureOfInterest) of this Observation.
Is defined by

observesop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relation between a Sensor and an ObservableProperty that it is capable of sensing.
Is defined by

Section endop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relationship of the section with the point where it ends.
Is defined by

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Section of Track c
has range
Geographic Point c

Section startop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relationship of the section with the point where it starts.
Is defined by

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Section of Track c
has range
Geographic Point c

Tracksop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relationship of the Section with the Track/s it covers, in case the it is indicated
Is defined by
has domain
Section of Track c
has range
Street c

Type of Incidenceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Type of incidence, planned or unplannedt
Is defined by

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Incidence c
has range
Concept c and (is in scheme op value type of incidence)

Type of Traffic Equipmentop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Type of traffic equipment, monitor equipment or meassuring devices
Is defined by

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Traffic equipment c
has range
Concept c and (is in scheme op value type of traffic devices)

Data Properties

(expected) end datedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The end date and time of a planned incidence (in ISO 8601 date format).
Is defined by
has domain
Planned incidence c
has range
date time

(expected) start datedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The start date and time of an incidence (in ISO 8601 date format).
Is defined by
has domain
Incidence c
has range
date time

attached to incidencedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


A document where more information about the incidence can be found.
Is defined by
has domain
Incidence c
has range
any u r i

Descriptiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


A description of the resource within a given context.
Is defined by

end datedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The end date and time of an incidence (in ISO 8601 date format).
Is defined by
has domain
Incidence c
has range
date time

Identifierdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Is defined by

latitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Latitude in WGS84
has domain
Geographic Point c
has range

longitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Longitude in WGS84
has domain
Geographic Point c
has range

Measurement Frequencydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows to know the measurement frequency of the device.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Traffic Measuring Device c
has range

Observation Resultdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property shows the result of the observation
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Traffic monitoring c
has range

Phenomenon Timedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property sets the dateTime of the observation
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Traffic monitoring c
has range
date time

posted incidence datedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The end date and time of the incidence (in ISO 8601 date format).
Is defined by
has domain
Incidence c
has range
date time

Recurrencedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows describing the recurrence
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Planned incidence c
has range

Recurrent incidencedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows describing whether there is a recurrence in the incidence or not
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Planned incidence c
has range

Running devicedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows describing whether the device is working or not.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Traffic Measuring Device c
has range

Street directionsdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Number of directions of traffic
Is defined by
has domain
Traffic equipment c or Incidence c
has range

Traffic lanesdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Number of lanes of traffic
Is defined by
has domain
Traffic equipment c or Incidence c
has range

Unit of Measurementdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


In the case of the Service level (nivel), the possible measures are: green or fluid; yellow or slow; orange or dense; red or congestion; black or interrupted circulation; grey or no data.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Traffic meassuring property c
has range

Urbandp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property allows knowing whether the device is urban or not
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Traffic equipment c
has range

Validated Observationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property states whether the observation is validated or not.
has super-properties
top data property
has domain
Traffic monitoring c
has range

xETRS89dp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


X-Coordinate in meters (ETRS89)
has domain
Geographic Point c
has range

yETRS89dp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Y-Coordinate in meters (ETRS89)
has domain
Geographic Point c
has range

Named Individuals

compositionni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


It is obtained by the equation of intensity and time of occupation with certain correction factors. It is expressed as a percentage: a 100% load implies circulatory collapse, interrupted circulation, while 0% implies empty street. It is similar to the Level of Service of the road that is usually measured with the letters A, B, C, D, E and F: level A, between 0% and 20% load; level F, between 90% and 100% load. The level of service is complex to measure and that is why the load is used.
belongs to
Traffic meassuring property c

levelni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


Calculated from the speed, it requires an equation or associated speed levels: green, fluid; yellow, slow; orange, dense; red, congestion; black, traffic interrupted; grey, no data.
belongs to
Traffic meassuring property c

occupationni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


It is the occupation of the detector while it is passing over a vehicle, it is associated with electromagnetic loop type detectors, and it is the time from when the detector detects the vehicle until it allows it to be detected.
belongs to
Traffic meassuring property c

speedni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


Directly meassured speed with detectors
belongs to
Traffic meassuring property c

traffic intensityni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


Intensity or capacity, number of vehicles in time unit (hour, day, month, year). The usual ones are hour and day.
belongs to
Traffic meassuring property c

traffic loadni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


It is obtained by the equation of intensity and time of occupation with certain correction factors. It is expressed as a percentage: a 100% load implies circulatory collapse, interrupted circulation, while 0% implies empty street. It is similar to the Level of Service of the road that is usually measured with the letters A, B, C, D, E and F: level A, between 0% and 20% load; level F, between 90% and 100% load. The level of service is complex to measure and that is why the load is used.
belongs to
Traffic meassuring property c

type of incidenceni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


belongs to
Concept Scheme c

type of traffic devicesni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


belongs to
Concept Scheme c

Legend back to ToC

c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties
ni: Named Individuals

References back to ToC

Add your references here. It is recommended to have them as a list.

Acknowledgements back to ToC

The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.